Expert Witness Experience in Anti-trust and Competition Law

Anti-trust expert witness in healthcare: Our team has worked side by side with attorneys and economists on recent matters in healthcare involving many of the following areas.  Our value add is often in assisting in complex discovery and the economic meaning of healthcare data and regulations.  We can help ‘tell the story’ regarding complexities, terminology and other factors.  Our lead expert Michael Arrigo has advised litigants as a consulting expert in cases before the FTC, and in State jurisdictions.  He is currently retained by the U.S. Department of Justice in a significant Federal investigation related to False Claims.

Michael Arrigo anti-trust expert witness in Federal State and Civil Courts on ACA, HIPAA, Healthcare costs in malpractice and personal injury, False Claims Act cases involving Medicare Advantage and Electronic Health Records.  Click to contact.

Antitrust expert witness capabilities should include knowledge of one or more of the following areas in the context of an anti-trust expert witness supporting a litigation team about the intricacies of health data, healthcare regulations and healthcare economics.

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Healthcare Expert Witness