PracticeFusion designed rules based on patient specific clinical contexts to display advertising to care providers to attempt to influence their choices and received kickbacks

Opinion : Clinical Decision Support is not for Advertising

Practice Fusion Perverted the Intent of Key Patient Safety Measures in Clinical Decision Support in its Electronic Health Record Software According to publicly available sources on the U.S. Department of…

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Stage 2 Meaningful Use, Interoperability of EMRs and ICD-10. What is CMS, ONC and HIPAA Impact on Accountable Care Organizations?

One of the key questions will be how the EMR provides a foundation with the Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) for comparative effectiveness data over the life span of a patient (sometimes called the continuum of care) and whether CDA standards currently proposed will accomplish that. Informatics people call this "longitudinal clinical data."

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EHR Interoperability Standards

Electronic Health Records (EHR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR) integration approaches depend on the strategy and priority in exchanging patient information between various healthcare applications, and the standards available:

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